

衝著號稱必吃的舒芙蕾鬆餅店,終於組團成功衝一波朝聖!一到了台中三井outlet之後,吃完午餐直奔一刻都不能浪費掉,我們點了必點的奇蹟舒芙蕾鬆餅原味還有水果口味兩種,為了怕鬆餅上會有奶油的油膩感所以特別點了三杯薄荷氣泡飲解油膩!先來說說店裡面的裝潢,用餐空間還蠻寬廣的,大都以家庭或是好朋友喝下午茶為主,裡面的服務人員大多都是年輕人,但卻也很親切,當天因為去的時候太興奮了飲料上來不小心打翻了,服務人員在後面立馬餘光掃到,趕快拿抹布過來拯救我們,真的是非常有效率!👍🏻終於千呼萬喚始出來,期待的奇蹟舒芙蕾上場了!果然兩種口味上都有不少的奶油,當然重點是舒芙蕾,因為本人不太愛吃奶油所以就先嚐一口舒芙蕾,果然刀子一切開非常鬆軟,整個口感非常綿密入口即化,再搭配的水果酸酸甜甜的整個口感很清爽。再來是我們點的氣泡飲料,光是他的顏色看起來就非常漂亮,老樣子手機先吃 ,哈哈😄,分別是檸檬薄荷氣泡飲、綜合莓果薄荷氣泡飲、熱帶水果氣泡飲...另外還點了一杯黑糖口味的咖啡,很特別的口感,氣泡飲喝起來酸酸甜甜的滋味,少女心噴發🥰




📌地址:台中市梧棲區臺灣大道十段168 2



At the soufflé pancake shop, which is known as a must-eat, we finally organized a group to make a successful pilgrimage and try it out for ourselves! Once we arrived at the Mitsui outlet in Taichung, we didn't waste a moment to get there. 

Let’s talk about the decoration of the store first. The dining space is quite wide. Most of the patrons are families or good friends drinking afternoon tea. Most of the service staff inside are young people who are very kind. I got a little too excited and accidentally spilled my drink. The service staff immediately swept over from behind and quickly took a rag to help us. They were really fast and efficient!  👍🏻 

We ordered the miracle soufflé pancakes, which are known for original and fruity flavors. They are special because they make sure they use a special mint liquid to keep the cake creamy and not greasy. We didn't wait long before the expected miracle soufflé came out!  Sure enough, there is a lot of cream in both flavors. Of course, the focus is on Soufflé. Because I don’t like to eat cream, I kept that too the side and I first tasted Soufflé first. Sure enough, my knife cut through it like butter from how fluffy it is. It melts in the mouth and compliments the fruit.  The whole taste of sweet and sour is very refreshing and pairs nicely. 

To wash it down, we ordered a sparkling drink. Its color looks very beautiful. they have an assortment of flavors as well: lemon mint, mixed berry mint, tropical fruit, and a few others. I finished though with a cup of brown sugar-flavored coffee. It has a very special taste. The bubble drink tastes sour and sweet, and this girl's heart erupts.

 Next time if I come to Mitsui, I will make another trip here!

 Store Information:

 🍰J.S.FOODIES TOKYO-Taichung Mitsui Store 

☎️ Tel: 04-2656-0890 

📌Address: 2nd Floor, No.     168, Section 10, Taiwan Avenue, Wuqi District, Taichung City

Business Hours: 

      11:00-21:30 pm




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