但是但是!一走到櫃檯眼睛瞄到裡面竟然擺了一台La Marzocco的義大利專業咖啡機耶! 眼睛都亮了起來!竟然可以在這個咖啡店裡面發現這麼厲害的咖啡機!果然來對地方了!
聽說這裡的咖啡豆都是老闆自己研磨的然後蛋糕也都是自己做的。本來想和老闆聊個天,但是店裡的生意還 蠻好的所以下次囉!今天山米點了一個百菇白醬佐麵包還有摩卡咖啡 ,果然!百菇的醬很濃郁,你的嘴巴也都是滿滿的奶油味但是不會很膩就是很清爽的口感,而且裡面還有很多種香菇加上胡椒粉真的好吃😋他的麵包竟然是起司貝果切成長條狀,然後去熱壓的!好特別喔!這是我第一次吃到貝果熱壓!起司貝果的味道沾白醬口感整個無違和!大推大推!而且你每一口吃進去都不會膩,你真的會一口接著一口!再來是我點的摩卡他跟一般平常我在其他的外面喝的摩卡不太一樣,外面的摩卡幾乎都是巧克力味道比較重,但他們家的摩卡咖啡味道很濃醇伴著一點巧克力甜甜的和一點肉桂香氣⋯⋯再推
This is a coffee shop in the alley of Pingtung Citizenxiang Street. (As usual, the coffee shops in the alley are fantastic). It's actually quite easy to find, but it's not easy to park, so it's convenient to ride a motorcycle because of it. It happens to be at the entrance of the alley, and there are houses next door, so you have to stop in front of the road where you come in. As soon as I entered the door, there was a small hallway. After entering the door, it felt quite comfortable. They use an assortment of plant decorations that are very charming and as we approached, there was a row of seating areas on the right hand side of the counter. The whole place was very cozy, bright and comfortable.
Their choice of basic white paper as a menu to me was a poor aesthetic choice that didn't match the vibe but was just a small nitpick that didn't hinder my experiance.
As soon as I walked to the counter, I saw that there was a La Marzocco Italian professional coffee machine! My eyes are lit up! You can find such a powerful coffee machine in this coffee shop! If you are a coffee aficionado like me, you really came to the right place!
I heard that the coffee beans here are all ground by the owner, themselves, and the cakes are also made fresh as well. I wanted to chat with the boss, but they were too busy for comment.
Today, Sammy ordered a hundred mushroom white sauce with bread and mocha coffee, sure enough! The sauce of Bai Mushroom was very rich, and your mouth is full of creamy taste, and is not too greasy. It has a refreshing taste, and there are many kinds of mushrooms in it with black pepper which compliments it nicely. Their bread of choice was cheese bagels cut into long strips and then hot pressed. So uniquel! This is the first time I have eaten these kinds of bagels! The taste of cheese baguette dipped in white sauce is a great combination! I recommend it highly! you'll never get bored of the taste.
Next is the mocha I ordered. It is not the same as the mocha I usually drink. Almost all the mochas from other establisments are more chocolatey, but their mocha coffee is very strong with a little chocolate sweetness as well as a little essence of cinnimon. A great way to end a great meal.
Overall this is a great place to spend your evenings to unwind with a cup of coffee by yourself, as I tend to do, as well as having a nice brunch with your family any day of the week.

☕️eske place coffee house