這一家位在修明街巷子內的cafe ....依照以往的經驗來,位在巷子內的咖啡店都很厲害但也不好停車,好在我們只是騎機車,還蠻好找停車位。果然到了門口的時候從外往內看,整個空間很寬闊。一進到室內有一股香氣,就是很淡雅的香氣,整個空間瀰漫著優雅的味道。座位區分為三個部分門口進來右手邊有一區,再來就是門口進來的正中間有一個圓池區,再來是左手邊有沙發區,座位分散的非常好不會集中在一起。而且每個地方都很好拍,真的是網美的天堂!因爲我們事先有訂位,我們有三個人但是到現場之後,發現他幫我們排在小圓桌,嗯整體來說小圓桌三個人的話是有一點點擁擠,所以當飲料上來的時候我們發現整個桌子已經滿了,就麻煩服務人員幫我們換到小方桌或是其他位子,他們也很親切地馬上幫我們換了位子。裡面的服務人員都很親切也都會隨時關心你用餐的狀況食物是不是有合您的胃口。
這次我們點了義大利麵類的都是有辣的,我個人就點了辣味韓式泡菜嫩煎松阪豬義大利麵,他的份量很適合一個人,嗯女生的話也是比較剛好的,整個口感非常有層次,義大利麵已經跟泡菜融合在一起,所以整個義大利麵嚼起來很有泡菜味。接下來他還有一個很厲害的玫瑰草莓煎茶配上他們家的草莓鬆餅,我只能說真的搭配的很好草莓鬆餅這個是我吃過鬆餅以來,第一次吃到裡面是這麼的Q軟有嚼勁的不會像有一些鬆餅內餡是會比較乾的。而且他上面還有冰淇淋更新鮮的草莓,配上我剛剛說的玫瑰草莓煎茶,整個就是很爽口不會覺得很甜,真的是恰到好處!光是這一點已經讓我想要再來第二次了!只為了喝他的玫瑰茶還有他的草莓鬆餅 ,我就很滿足了,哈 當然下一次還要試試看他們的義大利湯麵感覺很厲害👍🏻!你們有空可以來吃吃看喔⋯⋯😍也來當一下王美 😂
This cafe is located in the alley of Xiuming Street....From past experience, the coffee shops in the alley are very good but they are not good for parking. Fortunately, we ride motorcycles, and it is quite easy to find parking spaces. Sure enough, when I reached the door, looking from the outside in, the whole space was very wide. As soon as you enter the room, there is a fragrance, which is very elegant, and the whole space is filled with elegant taste. The seats are divided into three parts. There is an area on the right hand side when you enter. Then there is a round pool area in the middle of the door. Then there is a sofa area on the left hand side.
The seats are very well scattered and will not be concentrated. Every area is nice enough to photograph, it is really a paradise of beauty!
With a party of three, we made reservations beforehand which is recommended. They gave us a small round table. However, the small round table was a little crowded with three people, so when the drinks came we asked the waiter to change to a small square table or other seats, and they kindly helped us change seats immediately. The service staff inside were very kind and always cared about the condition of our meal and whether the food is to your liking.
This time we ordered the pasta which is spicy. I personally ordered the spicy Korean kimchi and sautéed Matsusaka pork pasta. The portion is very suitable for one person. For a girl, it was just right. The whole taste is very delectable. There are layers, the pasta has been fused with kimchi, so the whole pasta tastes like kimchi when chewing. Next, we had a very nice rose strawberry sencha with their strawberry muffins. I can only say that it really complments the muffins well. It is soft and chewy, unlike some muffins with fillings that are drier. And he also has fresher strawberries with ice cream on it, and the rose strawberry sencha I just mentioned, it is very refreshing and not sweet, it is balanced just right! This alone has made me want to come again! Just to drink the rose tea and the strawberry muffins, I was very satisfied, of course, I will try their spaghetti noodle soup next time and I cant wait👍🏻! If you're in the area and looking for a tasty meal and nice atmosphere, this is the place for you 😍
📌 魯克思咖啡左營店 Cafe de Lucas
⏰ 9-22 (供餐至20:30)